
  1. GRIM


    I am AGAIN trying to reach the NUMEROUS members who STILL are using TapaTalk REMOVE that AP from your phone if you value security at all! How can I put this in plain english it is recording EVERYTHING, every forum you login to with it, threads you view, your iP address, Pm's simply EVERYTHING...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Man tied to steroids case gets approval to remove device on ankle

    Man tied to steroids case gets approval to remove device on ankle Posted: October 11, 2015 By Valerie Rowell Columbia County Bureau The brother of a man who accused sheriff’s office personnel of illegal steroid use is allowed to remove an ankle monitor put on him as part of a bond on making...
  3. B

    Crashed gear

    Hey guys just received some test p 125mg/ml and I'm pretty sure it was below freezing in my mailbox, the gear has crashed I believe, it has kinda see thru crystals around the bottle. How do I reheat to fix it? If possible I'd like to keep the labels looking good also as its going to a buddy...