The Curcumin Connection
Over 17 million Americans suffer from depression and anxiety, and the drugs used to treat them can be harsh. Could this be a natural remedy?
You know what's depressing? Antidepressant drugs. Common side effects include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, sleep disturbance...
ROCHESTER, Minn. — About 8 to 10 million Americans over age 40 have an overabundance of cloned white blood cells, or lymphocytes, that hamper their immune systems. Although many who have this condition — called monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL) — do not experience any symptoms, a new study...
ROCHESTER, Minn. — A team of Mayo Clinic researchers has developed an innovative computational tool that analyzes the gut microbiome, a complex ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms within the digestive system, to provide insights into overall well-being...
Create and govern the perfect anabolic environment with this little-known supplement
At Labrada Nutrition, we feel that these systemic enzymes offer bodybuilders a real quantum leap for greater muscular development. They reduce inflammation and soreness after training, and they increase your...
Coach Alwyn Cosgrove has been harping in my ear about it for four years. Dr. Jonny Bowden lists it as one of the healthiest foods on earth. It's been an essential part of Asian medicine for centuries.
Finally, science is catching up on the news: turmeric...
Vickie stays lean all year long. She always looks like she's a few weeks out from a figure competition. Everyone hates the bitch.
No, they don't hate her, but they all want to know her secret. When asked, she just says she eats "clean." But it's not a willpower thing. Vicky just doesn't like...
Coffee may be one of the most under-rated nootropics out there, and it’s certainly had its fair share of controversy for health. Everything from caffeine dependency to tolerance levels, experiencing withdrawals, jitters, and dehydration, to name a few. However, some of the unique factors that...
People who play sports appear to have an enhanced ability to process sounds from their environment, according to new research.
Share on PinterestAthletes’ brains may be better at processing the sensory environment, new research suggests.
Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL...
If you take a hefty portion of the amino acid L-citrulline just before going to sleep at night, it might help you to maintain muscle mass even though you're on a low-cal diet and are aiming to lose fat. At least, it might do so if you react in the same way as the rats did that researchers at the...
Doctors admit we know too little about anabolic steroids
Users of anabolic steroids don't care much about the expertise of doctors when it comes to steroids. That's known. In this regard, you will not learn nothing new from the research that Stephanie Hill, affiliated with York Hospitals NHS...
More testosterone and less estradiol in coffee drinkers
People who drink a few cups of coffee a day have more testosterone and less estradiol in their blood than coffee abstainers. Epidemiologists from Harvard University write this in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A noteworthy...
Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints
The day before yesterday we wrote about an in vitro study in which an extract of sumac killed cancer cells by accelerating their aging. Sumak, a spice of berry from the Rhus coriaria tree, may also be interesting for athletes, according to...
Can overweight people build muscle the same way leaner people do? Or does body weight somehow prevent hypertrophy? Those were the questions a study by a group of British researchers set out to answer recently.
The results are good news for people with a high BMI who are wondering if strength...
You’ve likely noticed the scent of fresh-baked pizza or a warm cinnamon bun is intoxicating on your way into a food court, but after you’ve eaten a well-balanced lunch, it’s significantly less appealing. That’s because your sense of smell is strongest when you’re hungriest. And it’s not the only...
You’ve likely noticed the scent of fresh-baked pizza or a warm cinnamon bun is intoxicating on your way into a food court, but after you’ve eaten a well-balanced lunch, it’s significantly less appealing. That’s because your sense of smell is strongest when you’re hungriest. And it’s not the only...
Most people who read this website on a regular basis have been spending their time in quarantine wisely by picking up some home gym equipment, switching to bodyweight or resistance band routines, or simply just eating healthy while many gyms and fitness studios around the country remain closed...
As the rush to develop a Covid-19 vaccine continues, people are still looking for ways to protect themselves from the deadly coronavirus pandemic (you know, besides wearing a mask and practicing social distancing).
One new study points to a popular eating regimen as a possible way to reduce the...
Yurchanka Siarhei
It seems as if almost everything we encounter causes fertility damage these days, from the sugary foods we eat to the phones we carry in our pocket.
One of the biggest culprits is bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, a synesthetic compound used in plastic water bottles...
Hugo Felix
Most articles concerning men and orgasms have to do with curbing it—staving off the Big O to extend pleasure, or so their female partners can climax first.
One 25-year-old man avoided them for a very different, and unfortunate reason: He was allergic to his own orgasms, according to...
Lisovskaya Natalia / Shutterstock
Feel free to eat all the beef burgers, bison, and bacon that your heart desires, because everything you’ve heard about red meat is totally wrong. At least, that’s the essence of an explosive and controversial new report published by an international...