
  1. EG News

    This Doctor Has a Formula for Helping You Keep to Your Fitness Resolution

    If the initial buzz of starting your 2022 New Year’s fitness resolution is already beginning to dim, you are not alone. As we return from the holidays and find ourselves swamped with work and family commitments, training sessions and the will to avoid junk food becomes tougher and tougher...
  2. EG News

    ASK ANDY: ‘How Can I Set A New Year’s Resolution That I’ll Actually Keep?’

    Finding that New Year’s resolution that’s actually realistic and achievable is a terrifically normal question asked by nearly everyone at the end of every year — myself included. I begin each year by doing some sort of workout challenge, and each year it gets a bit more difficult! But, I’ve...
  3. S

    Anyone make a New Years Resolution

    I know many find making NY Resolutions a waste of time. I still find myself making them like an idiot. I figure keep trying and someday it will happen. This year I NEED TO GET MY DIET IN CHECK. Weak minded Slin has to eat better. Lean out for 2016.