Retatrutide, also known as LY3437943. Retatrutide developed by Eli Lilly is a groundbreaking peptide, aimed at addressing the challenges of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This experimental drug operates as a tri-agonist, targeting three crucial receptors in the body: the glucagon receptor...
So this was originally going to be a much deeper dive into the differences between semaglutide, tirzepatide and retatrutide, however, I realized that might be too high level for many folks, so instead I’m going to highlight some key differences between the 3 peptides, briefly discuss a few...
Drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic contain semaglutide, and were originally conceived to reduce the effects of type 2 diabetes, but because the weight loss effects of these jabs are so sought after, many people are using them to tackle obesity. Now, a new drug, Retatrutide is being hailed as the...