
  1. GRIM

    My local Aldi

    Had full rack of ribs for just over a buck a pound. Maybe not the greatest form of protein but for a lil over a buck?! I stocked up and grabbed every single 1 they had out lmao. ' Was afraid they'd not fit in freezer, was tight fit but got them in!
  2. EG News

    Ribs vs. wings

    WINGS AND RIBS: two very different yet equally satisfying foods you’ll find on menus around the world. But with a few ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can easily whip up both at home. Which one (if either) can you reach for without undoing all that hard work you put in at the gym...
  3. MattyIce

    Tattoo progress

    3 sessions into the tat...got 5-6 remaining sessions estimated then color/shading and fill ins.