
  1. J

    Shout out thank you to RockShawn

    Just wanted to give Rock a big thank you for hooking up a Brother. A week or so ago, I was looking to see if anyone had any of Monsters pre 126.5 Rock hit me up and told me that he had something that was very similar with just as much punch. It is Shock Therapy 125.750 I said, how much you want...
  2. 49ER

    We all know RockShawn is hott but.....

    Hes also a cool ass dude he knew I was dying to try some hg stuff and he helped me out aready pinned some. Thanks alot bro appreciate it and I was just kidding about you being hott ;) [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. flyingfox

    I got scammed

    First off I am not posting this in the vendors section with whom I had the issue, we all take our chances and there are many ways to lose. It has become painfully obvious to me that at some point I was communicating with someone posing as the sponsor. I was instructed to send funds which I...
  4. RockShawn

    RockShawn on vacation

    hey guys, I'll be on vacation with my fam for a few days here the end of June. I'm sure you will all miss me dearly.