
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How Does Foam Rolling Work? And Why “SMR” Should Be Called “SMT”

    By Bret Contreras Today, I’m going to share a discussion on Facebook that I recently had with Todd Hargrove and Greg Lehman. I’m not always confident with my understanding of things, but I’ve developed great “go-to guys” over the years when I’m seeking answers in various topics, and Todd and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Buff to get Buffer – The foam rolling game changer that will boost your recovery in a fraction of the time

    Whether you are a serious athlete seeking improved sports performance or a casual weekend warrior crushing cathartic heavy deadlifts, most veteran gym goers understand that the iron game is a long term investment. The key to success is accumulating hours of consistent quality stimulation over a...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Pre-Workout Foam Roller Exercises to Prevent Injuries

    Specifically, the 5 most important foam rolling drills every lifter should preform before their workouts to prevent an injury. For each of these foam rolling drills, perform 2 sets of 15-20 seconds on each side. 1. Mid-Back Foam Rolling Drill The first foam rolling drill Scott shows us in how...
  4. EG News

    Learn How to Roll With it With These 5 Essential Foam Roller Moves

    Foam rolling exercises are a popular recovery method to help reduce post-exercise muscle soreness and improve mobility. Because there are areas on the body which get tight and painful and can hinder exercise performance. Foam rolling is either better than sliced bread or a complete waste of...
  5. EG News

    New Research Rethinks The Best Use For a Foam Roller

    Chances are, foam rolling is already a part of your health and fitness regimen, especially if your goal is to prevent injuries. The hurt-so-good, tension-relieving gadget has gained steam over recent years, and rightfully so since it provides the same benefits—without the high price tag—as...
  6. RockShawn

    Fixing MY Knees

    Yesterday I took the first step toward a promising resolve for a nagging knee issue I've had for years now. When I bend my knees, they grind and crackle under the knee cap. Under normal strain they are ok, but with extra stress, they burn and become extremely painful. Squats have been all but...