
  1. EG News

    Study Shows ‘Guy Ropes’ Muscles are Essential for Epic Lifts

    Scientists from one of England’s top sporting universities brought Eddie Hall into the lab to try and figure out how one of the world’s strongest men is able to lift such heavy weights and as a result, they made a surprising discovery that may lead to game changing new training plans for...
  2. EG News

    Here’s Why Battle Ropes Deserve a Place in Your Workout Program

    Nowadays you don’t have to visit a CrossFit gym to see battle rope exercises in use. What used to be reserved for specific fitness niches and professional athletes is now utilized in home gyms, outdoor workouts, and boot camps. The simplicity of battle rope exercises are what makes them a...
  3. R2D2

    Going back to a Fullbody

    Let me know how it looks: A: Quads (probably back squats, depending on availability) Chest Reverse flys Rows *Side laterals/front raises/face pulls (1, 2, or all of these) Biceps Core *Battle ropes/Climbing ropes (optional) B: Lower...
  4. EG News

    Tom hopper talks 'umbrella academy,' hardcore workouts, and diet discipline

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine On the new Netflix series The...
  5. EG News

    The battle-rope finisher for muscular endurance

    Per Bernal WHEN TO DO IT Give this battle rope finisher a go at the end of your weight training to prevent fatigue beforehand. WHY DO IT For one, you’ll be a hell of a lot more conditioned—in terms of general cardio and in your arms and shoulders—by working with battle ropes. Also, the...