
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Getting deployed to the east coast....

    Just found out this afternoon my department is deploying myself and a small group of others to Newark NJ to aid in administering COVID vaccines to the public. All expenses are paid by FEMA. It will be a new experience for me and I am really not knowing what to expect. I still will be able...
  2. millenium girl

    Secure email

    which one are you all using and is it free? I still have my safe-mail addy but I'm looking into getting another one.
  3. TSizemore

    What's every ones Memorial Day plans?

    I saw a real cool commercial where a bunch of guys all get out of different cars, drinking beers, laughing, and having a good time.......when they all turn around and walk into the cemetery, to toast one of their fallen friends. Partying over his grave and remembering him. It was pretty cool