
  1. EG News

    The Complete Dumbbell Back Workout For Strength and Size

    Chinups, pullups, and barbell row variations are the gold standard for building a rockstar back and spreading your wings. With this dumbbell back workout, you’ll use a significant load to add size and strength to your back muscles. So, why use dumbbells for a back workout ? Although dumbbells...
  2. EG News

    These 3 Unilateral Row Exercises will Help Boost Your Back

    Unlike unilateral row exercises bilateral vertical and horizontal pulling exercises like chin-ups bent over barbell rows, and seated rows often get all the love and attention. Because this is where the gains are due to the fact you’ll lift more weight. It’s a shame that unilateral row exercises...
  3. EG News

    How to Identify and Treat a Winged Scapula

    A strong and healthy back reaches beyond how much weight you can lat pull. It encompasses a solid range of motion, proper posture, identifying weaknesses or imbalances, and correcting them. Considering the back has 40 muscles both large and small starting at the top of the neck and all the way...
  4. EG News

    Try These 5 Upper Back Exercises for Improving Your ‘Big 3’ Lifts

    Most lifters know the importance upper-back strength plays when it comes to the “Big 3” lifts — bench press, squat, and deadlift — and for keeping the shoulders healthy. But those who just train chest and biceps don’t fully grasp the importance of the upper back until their shoulders hurt. It’s...