
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Clean Bulk Diet: 3 Options For More Lean Muscle

    Back in the 90s the goal of every wide-eyed future bodybuilder was to bulk up no matter what. Obviously from the looks of things back then no one was concerned with staying lean throughout this perpetual bulking period. What resulted was a lot of big, burly and somewhat fatty guys wearing...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein are you Actually Getting?

    Ever wonder how much protein your are actually getting in a single scoop of your favorite supplemental whey protein. Well there is a formula to find this out how much you ARE getting and how much is crap fillers. Its very simple. Say one scoop has 25g of protein per the label claim. You take...
  3. EG News

    Power up your protein

    How many protein shakes do you down a day? Two? Four? Doesn’t matter. Because, like you, we never get sick of drinking pure protein . . . right? Well, OK — we do get a little sick of it. Sure, we could give you a slew of new shake recipes, but they’d still just be . . . shakes. Instead, try...
  4. EG News

    Protein Rules

    BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR NEXT TUB OF PROTEIN, USE THESE TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF EVERY SCOOP Consuming protein and protein shakes is something you might be doing on autopilot. Bad idea. With the rise of “protein spiking”—when companies cheap out on ingredients and use additives as...
  5. MattyIce

    My PWO shake

    Quest cookies n creme 1 scoop, Vega protein n greens 1 scoop, glutamine 1 scoop... add to 12 ozs sugar free vanilla cashew milk. 
 Bros, this dang shake is so good must try it.
  6. MaidenOfIron

    Maiden to a Monster

    Guess a good way to start my new log up is to say that last night, after a 10 client work day, I hit legs and pushed 7 for 15 on leg press. More to come later. Good to be back home:)