
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How Innovative Ideas Arise

    In 2010, Thomas Thwaites decided he wanted to build a toaster from scratch. He walked into a shop, purchased the cheapest toaster he could find, and promptly went home and broke it down piece by piece. Thwaites had assumed the toaster would be a relatively simple machine. By the time he was...
  2. Troy


    hemorrhoids are tormenting my life the itch is unbearable i can't sit still for two mins without having to wiggle in my seat or going to the bathroom to scratch scratch scratch. i haven't seen a doc but im almost certain its hemorrhoids i check off all the symptoms online blood when wiping...
  3. krustus

    paying with vanilla

    i'm not sure how it works but seems a better (cheaper) method... do i just go tell the clerk i need a reload? and i send the info to the seller to load to their card? i don't have to have a card at all right?