
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Could Your Medications be Causing Weight Gain?

    After Alyssa Meyer came out of treatment for breast cancer, she was grateful to be in remission, but the hormone-balancing pill she was prescribed had an unpleasant side effect: significant weight gain. In trying to deal with the issue, she amped up her focus on exercise and diet, eventually...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Win the Yo-Yo Diet Battle

    You worked hard to shed pounds, but then it crept right back. It happens. In fact, about 80% of people who lose weight regain it all or more, according to some estimates. It’s a term known by industry experts as ‘weight cycling’ — and colloquially as yo-yo dieting. Here, a look at what this...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Things to Add to Your Life to Lose Weight

    When it comes to weight loss, you know just about everything you’re supposed to remove from your life — processed foods, a couch potato habit, soda. But losing weight doesn’t have to solely be about subtraction. In fact, the most successful weight-loss plans work well because they include...