
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Increase Insulin Sensitivity To Get Lean

    Without optimal insulin sensitivity, much of that protein (and everything else) you eat gets delivered to fat storage rather than muscle, and much of the time that fat happily resides around your waist. While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn't fix the problem. What's...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    It's perhaps the biggest challenge facing the non-drugged-up bodybuilder: gaining muscle without gaining a lot of fat in the process. No, wait, I take that back. The biggest challenge is probably losing body fat while retaining all that iron-earned muscle. Hmm, actually, both of those tasks...
  3. J

    DHT, GH, and Insulin Sensitivity

    I recently came across some articles about DHT improving insulin sensitivity. I'm sure many of us have heard about using GH for long periods of time decreasing insulin sensitivity. To counter act this could you use a low dose of Mast while on GH?
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Short-term, low-dose GH therapy improves insulin sensitivity without modifying cortis

    Short-term, low-dose GH therapy improves insulin sensitivity without modifying cortisol metabolism and ectopic fat accumulation in adults with GH deficiency Kevin C J Yuen 1 , Charles T Roberts Jr, Jan Frystyk, William D Rooney, James R Pollaro, Bethany J Klopfenstein, Jonathan Q Purnell...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Improvement in insulin sensitivity with low dose hgh

    Improvement in insulin sensitivity without concomitant changes in body composition and cardiovascular risk markers following fixed administration of a very low growth hormone (GH) dose in adults with severe GH deficiency Kevin C J Yuen 1 , Jan Frystyk, Deborah K White, Th B Twickler, Hans P F...
  6. M

    Igf1 and insulin sensitivity

    IGF1 is known as possibly the most anabolic hormone in the body, how ever not many are aware to its health benefits, especially pertaining insulin sensitivity. Modern western diet, as well as the feeding regimes of many bodybuilders creates an overburden on the pancreas due to the demand to cope...
  7. krustus

    2 methyls

    so instead of 100 mg of anavar or 75mg of tbol... what about 50mg of both.. along with my next cycle. or end my cycle with 20-30mg of epistane and 40mg of anavar... seems there would be about the same level of liver stress with lower doses of 2 methyls than a higher dose of one... seems epi...