
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Real Reason Everyone’s Fat

    And the First Step to Getting Lean Are soft drinks, fast food, or aggressive diet plans making us fatter? Nope, it's something totally different. And the good news is, you have power over it. The world is getting fatter and everybody’s an expert on why. Here’s a list of what people blame...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Muscle Building Genetics: Myth And Reality

    How much are genetics to blame for our inability to build muscle, get ripped or get in shape? The answer may surprise you - very little. The following article is an excerpt from my book 101 Fitness Myths. It's something that I believe needs to be tackled since too many people are being held back...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Tips To Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life

    Since becoming a personal trainer, I have seen training techniques and diet fads come and go. Individuals tend to complicate their routines/diets by reading several published periodicals and through advice from amateur consultants. Physique and health progress should be continual and consistent...
  4. EG News

    ‘Army of the Dead’ star Samantha Win Is Always in Zombie-Slaying Shape

    Samantha Win stars as Chambers in Army of the Dead. It’s the type of surreal, wild ride of a movie that you would expect from action ace Zack Snyder, complete with epic sets and a zombie tiger for good measure. Having worked with the writer and director many times, Win knew that this latest...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Can You Escape a Genetic Destiny of Being Overweight?

    It may feel futile to launch your weight-loss efforts when you feel strong genetic forces are conspiring against you. Blaming genetics is a normal response, especially if you grew up in a household where most of your family members were overweight. But genes are just one factor that determines...
  6. EG News

    Timea Majorova: The Fit Mom

    Timea Majorova is a fitness and figure champion, a fabulous fitness model, and personal trainer. She’s also a mother of two: Charlize, 8, and Maxwell, 4. When she was pregnant, people were amazed at how good Timea looked. After she gave birth, they were also amazed at how quickly she got back...
  7. EG News

    How Lou Ferrigno Changed the Shape of ‘The Hulk’

    Lou Ferrigno recalls getting the call from the casting people at The Hulk. “It was 1977, and I was training for the upcoming Mr. Olympia. I met with the director and producer and they offered me the role. I knew I couldn’t take the job and train for the Olympia, too. So, I asked Joe Weider for...
  8. EG News

    Ronnie coleman is back in the gym after a 6-month hiatus

    Eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman has had his fair share of obstacles in recent years. He’s had 12 spine surgeries and struggled with some serious setbacks. At one point, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever walk again. But fortunately, things seem to be looking up for Big Ron once more. In a recent...