
  1. GoPro


    wanted to start a thread on ANY AND ALL music you all like or come across. Just wanted us to be able to share any and all music we like, or new artists we come across!!! Anything from death metal to dubstep to country. POST UP!!!
  2. GRIM

    Must have 4 bodybuilders

  3. Torres

    Truth About Steroids & Supplements !!! Rich Piana !!!

    I agree 100% w/ what he saids about the " NORMAL " not working for everyone. How working out the same, to dosages of juice, will react different in individuals. Someone that takes low doses and get great results might not work for the next person. I'm not sayin OD on shit, just switch shit...
  4. Hanzo

    Wowow ....

    This is just reeedickulous!! This guy thinks he looks good? Yeesh.
  5. stonetag

    50y/o savage cat dude

    Well it's official (in my book), upwards of 2 grams a test EW will turn a guy into a manbeast. I have been lifting with such power and force I'm freaking my self out. The shit is secreting out of my pores and women really seem to like it in some primitive way. But the funny shit is every...
  6. M

    Check this shit out Now that had to hurt. The headline says that he only got some bruises though.