
  1. D

    Injection Sites

    I usually inject in my glutes and alternate one side to the other every time I inject. I've been at it many yrs now (almost 30 yrs now) and recently noticed that I've built up so much scar tissue in my right glute that it's almost impossible for for me to inject in that glute anymore. I have no...
  2. EG News

    The rock is more shredded than ever at 257 pounds, and phil heath agrees

    Dwayne Johnson has always been huge and lean, but the Instagram post he shared on Saturday might be the best he's ever looked. He's so shredded that none other than former seven-time Mr. Olympia Phil Heath commented on it. The Rock shared the photo ahead of his final shoot for Project Rock, his...
  3. krustus

    finally i'm a big time user... over 3mls so i had to use 2

    on gear that is dosed low...npp100, 1-test cyp 150, and mast e 200... wanted to up the amount of 1-test and npp.. so i did a 1.5ml of each in a 3ml shot then the mast e and trt test in another.. is there a better way or once you are up in the doses more shots are the thing... anyone do over...


    I was on a bulking cycle and got a phone call to do a photo shoot and very little time to get ready....with that being said i did not have any thing on hand to really cut up and to short of time to order so this is what i end up with. photo shoot is this sunday and still not completely ready but...