
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Add These Supplements To Your Sports Stack If You Want To Get Shredded

    by The Editors of What's Good Getting absolutely ripped takes dedication in and out of the gym. Dropping body fat while hanging onto the precious muscle mass you want to show off is no easy feat, so you’ll need to nail everything from your workouts and nutrition to your recovery and stress...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Aesthetic Training Tips | How to Build Shredded Shoulders

    In this new series, we cover aesthetic training tips provided to us by some of the top bodybuilders in the industry, and learn which exercises they use to build their shredded physiques. In this particular episode, IFBB pro and MuscleTech athlete Santi Aragon shows us some moves he uses to...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    You might be sabotaging your progress without even knowing it. Avoid these foods and stay on the right track to obtaining the ultimate beach body. Spring time is here and the summer is fast approaching. Soon it will be time for the masses to ditch their shirts and soak in the sun on the beach...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    The secret to getting shredded is to reduce total calories and cut added sugars while keeping the total volume of food that you consume relatively the same. You accomplish this by eating whole fruits and vegetables and lean, quality proteins. Aside from the obvious junk foods that sabotage your...
  5. krustus

    good article on being lean vs. being ripped this is a great read... i'm pretty much at a lean state... truly ripped is a whole nother ballgame
  6. misterB

    whats too much?

    got this off another forum, same question here, is this going too far or did he nail it . Im sure its not healthy but damn to be there for a week on contest day. id do it