
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Peer Reviewed Research Proves Biotech’s Studies on GMOs are Flawed, Inaccurate

    Peer Reviewed Research Proves Biotech’s Studies on GMOs are Flawed, Inaccurate by Christina Sarich October 27th, 2014 Remember when doctors and scientists told us cigarettes were safe, with doctors even showing up on commercials puffing away? Or how about when Vietnam Vets were...
  2. A

    tren a, mast p, prop, and drol cycle log

    tren a and mast blend. 100/125 .. prop stand alone 100 mg adrol suspension Lab: UGL unknown (homebrew) Day One: Feb 20. 2013 Length of cycle: until the wheels fall off Started today with first pins in both delts... keeping prop seperate, 125 tren 150 mast. 125 prop and 150...