
  1. GRIM

    Currently sitting at

    About 6'3" 216 pounds, definitely getting a lot leaner. One of the lightest I've ever been, I feel so small! Even though I lost about 20 pounds I'm adding muscle
  2. 01dragonslayer

    4 Latest Science Bits in Health and Fitness

    What you eat is as important as how much. Even if you’re eating well and working out, you may still not be seeing improvements. A diet high in refined carbohydrates and deficient in vitamins and minerals may lead to inflammation and be the culprit for your weight loss struggle. Dr. Bruce Ames...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... Sitting still for too long can start a cascade of physical problems. Sitting can cause postural issues and even a reduced metabolism, making the abs stick out and the glutes go flat. Over-emphasizing cardio is counterproductive to fat loss. The particular...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Calories Burned Standing vs. Sitting: Does Standing Burn Calories?

    Given the world's rapid transition to work-from-home positions and online jobs, many people face the plight of sitting behind a computer for lengthy amounts of time daily. Intuitively, it takes more energy to stand than it does to sit, but how many calories does standing burn, exactly? Recent...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Are You a Desk Jockey? 5 “Hidden” Ways Your Job is Killing You (And How to Fix It)

    I empathize if you’re in the predicament of working a routine 9-to-5 in a cubicle and staring at a computer screen for 90% of the day. Intuitively, this type of “labor” is not physically demanding at all...mentally, though, it sure can be draining. Unfortunately, sitting behind a computer...
  6. EG News

    This Quick (and Sorta Subtle) Workout at the Office Can Help Your Health

    Living an anti-sitting lifestyle is difficult and sometimes you cannot get away from work or have no time to train before or after work due to early mornings, late nights, or a lack of energy. You go straight from the car to the office chair, back to the car, and home to bed or the couch...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Does Standing While Eating Lead to Overeating?

    Given today’s fast-paced life and hectic schedules, it can be easy to eat a bowl of cereal while standing at your kitchen counter or a protein bar while walking to your next meeting. Maybe you think you’re burning more calories as opposed to sitting, but eating while standing (or moving around)...
  8. GRIM

    Summers approaching

    and with it kids at the gym, sitting on their damn cell phones non stop, staying for 2-3 hours but barely even working out and when they do horrible form. it's making going to the gym miserable, can't get on equipment i want, large herds standing in the way fuck a 17 year old doing 1 set to...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Sitting for too long can do harm to your body

    Sitting for too long can do harm to your body The Mind Unleashed Wed, 15 Apr 2015 With the continuous progress of technology, we need to put less and less effort to get the things done. And it's not only about jobs which are getting more and more computerized every day; it's about our...