
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How does 5-Amino-1MQ (and JBSNF) increase NAD+ and Metabolic Rate while Regenerating Aging Skeletal Muscle?

    “Aging is accompanied by progressive declines in skeletal muscle mass and strength and impaired regenerative capacity, predisposing older adults to debilitating age-related muscle deteriorations and severe morbidity. Muscle stem cells (muSCs) that proliferate, differentiate to fusion-competent...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Muscle Fiber Types: What They Are And How to Train Them

    Design your workouts to suit different types of muscle requirements. The more you know about your muscles, the bigger you can build them. We train them. But how much do we know about them. And how do we know what type of muscle fibers we have in the muscle we are training; by knowing what muscle...
  3. T

    Muscles vs Tendons

    While injecting test increases protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% -- more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen makes up tendons, bros...

    Anabolic Steroids (AAS) & Joints/Tendons

    While injecting test increases protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% -- more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen makes up tendons, bros...