Six-time Mr Olympia, Dorian Yates is one of the most qualified voices of wisdom that the internet has to offer as relates to making mega gains in the gym and he recently took to Instagram to demonstrate the best way to crush your skull crushers. Here’s how to try it.
The Skull Crusher, less...
Bodyweight Triceps Blaster – This is a mechanical drop set where you start with the hardest variation of an exercise, then move to the easier variations as you fatigue.
Skull crushers do a great job of hitting the long-head of the triceps brachii. Doing them in push-up style can add a core...
Anyone else watching this series? We in the F.I.S.T. household love this show.Lot of great competitors.Only thing we think they should change is after a competitor makes it through the course to the Skull Buster,if they dont beat the record time they walk away...