
  1. S

    Crazy Cut Cycle

    Cycling Tren a @556 per wk Tp @ 525 per wk Mast P @ 350 per wk 1 Andro Topical @ 1500 per wk and 4 Andro Topical @ 2400 per wk Sermorelin 300mcgs per day with Hexarelin as of late 200 mcgs per day Anabolics from Snake and Honest. Aromasin or arimistane as needed. Using Rich Piania Organ...
  2. Thor

    Snakes Real Primo

    For anyone that has never taken real primo it is definitely a treat and nice change. I have never tried to purchase it since it is one of if not the most faked steroid on the market but Snake has real primo and I hope he continues to be able to get the real powders. It claims to be an...
  3. Eman

    Snakeman Primo Results

    Snakeman Primo E 200
  4. Roc

    Source info

    With all the great sources here, I’d like to here who you guys love to use? I’m hearing great things about snake, and I won the auction for mastery and I’m excited to try his gear, but wanna hear from you guys, good or bad doesn’t matter. Thanks in advance
  5. Tyson13

    Test prop to???

    What up EG!!! I have been taking 100 mgs of Test P EOD for several years now. Due to circumstances I would ideally like to switch to something hat only requires a once to twice a week injection. I would prefer no bloating. Also, I am only wanting to do a high dose of TRT. I don't want to...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Just Bought 2 Snakes

    Just bought 2 snakes for the kids today.One is a Corn snake and the other is a Ball Python.Both are babies but the Corn snake is friggin tiny.Probably 10 inches long and his head is like the size of my pinkie nail.LOL I and we have had snakes in the past and really love having them as...