
  1. M

    Somastim for 2 days domestic delivery !

    As many of the members here know the Somastim is one of the most renowned and tested GH in the market. It's unique as it's western made adhering to real USP standards and have been tested few times on major forums as well as on Simec Swiss by an independent party. We'll offer it from the 12 of...
  2. W

    Western biotech - Somastim (GH) and Somedin (IGF1-lr3 and IGF1-DES)

    Sciroxx launched at 2013 a new biotech venture, we exclusively manufacture in a western country GH under the strictest USP standards. The GH resembles completely the FDA approved Tevatropin, and the IGF1 completely identical to the patented IGF1-lr3 by Repligen Swiss. We offer some very...