
  1. rboy101

    Testing kit

    Hey guys. Any of you can recommend a good site to order a testing kit from? I’m like 90% sure a ten pack I got from a sponsor is deca or npp instead of sust just wanting to make sure before I make a stink about it. Been running their Sust for over 8 months and with my last order I got I’ve been...
  2. GRIM

    So same shit again!

    over sickness, dr thought covid but didnt get test as no local test My legs went out on me again today, had to leave gym early then got stuck in parking lot. 10 minutes of asking for help finally someone helped me. Stroke deficits coming back yet again FUCK
  3. 01dragonslayer

    I am gonna be out-of-service for a while....

    .....broke my knee cap while out exercising yesterday. Slid on the ice and felt the 'crack'.....
  4. T-bar


    I lost a dear friend this morning that some of you may know. Thick1 and I met back in the early days of the Beachboy website when threre weren't sites out there that covered these specialized topics. It wasn't anything nearly as advanced as EG simply because the technology wasn't there at the...
  5. GRIM

    Slipped a disc

    Doing Tbar rows No DOUBT about it, felt the disc slip/move Back is awful pain/frozen and stiffer than stiff HUGE lump on side of lower spine as well Still I refused to just leave my shit, PAINFULLY put every plate back and bar PLUS still half assed a short workout Only thing I'm pissed about...
  6. GRIM

    Fucking pissed!

    Got a call this AM My baby 18 year old cousin was killed by an underaged drunk driver last night. Her parents just burried her uncle not even 2 months ago, her fathers last sibling. I can't even imagine how devastated they are. if you are going to drink be smart people!
  7. Bama


    Hello EG, I wish I was not typing this but it is what it is. Ok, one of my twin boys has caught a life threatening illness called staph burn skin is the name of it, and it is actually burning his skin off his body!!! This is the reason I have not been active or available, and probably will not...
  8. Thor

    Mental drain causing physical drain

    To me this does deal with my overall health even though I am not actually sick. Today my chihuahua of 13 years passed away from congestive heart failure, well I had to call it actually. Like loosing a child, fucking hurts bad and you wonder could anything else have been done. He has been...
  9. morrey


    Got my long awaited pack from Joker stolen. :'( The pack was delivered on saturday but I didnt see it. I ask joker fro the tracker and he gives it to me and I track it and it says it was delivered. I call the post office and talk to my post lady. She says she delivered like usual. Well today...
  10. F.I.S.T.


    HOLIDAY PLANS?? So whats everyones plans this holiday weekend? We're doing the beach of course and after that will have family & friends over for bbqing at the F.I.S.T. house.Plenty of food and drinking.Probably too much of both but hey,ive earned them both.LMFAO.My Queen and kids always get...
  11. S

    Horrible News this am

    Man I just got some horrible news. My 83 year old father got in a real bad car accident. Going to Cali for some time. Please pray for him. I don't think he is going to die but definitely took his hip out for the time being. Been trying to get him to move here for some time. The fucking...
  12. LittleTom

    Resigning as MOD

    Title says it all. Not enough time to hang out and not just gonna throw up pointless shit.
  13. Paulrockr

    RIP FRIEND...must read for all members

    I'm sorry to bring the news of a fallen brother here at EG. A good friend and patron to TMM has recently passed away in an apparent traffic accident. Next Gen Freak was killed 01/19/2015 after he reportedly went off the road and struck a tree. As far as details about the accident or conditions...
  14. GoPro

    To catch you all up.

    So, I Finally got results back from the VA doc on my test levels and they were 187. So i am pretty sure she is going to put me on TRT. I was suppose to have started a long time ago but they wanted more test first, they had me on andro gel and it didnt do crap, so i am thing they will give me...
  15. RockShawn

    "You Have Skin Cancer" - 4 words I wasn't expecting to hear

    Well, I got some awesome news this morning. I'd been putting off having a spot on my head looked out for fear of what it was, and those fears were confirmed this morning. I have Skin Cancer, Squamous-Cell Carcinoma, the second worst you can get of the 3 types. Treatment will start within the...
  16. stonetag


    Got to go to a friends funeral here in a while, god I hate this! I don't want to go but my wife thinks it shows disrespect. I say I would like to mourn in my own way, Not sure who's right? but anyway off to the funeral! Every time I turn around someone I know is passing away, must be the age...
  17. killinit88


    Hey guys, sorry i have been MIA. I moved out of Iowa and back to Utah, been a crazy little bit. I am still training my ass off and killing those fucking weights. On the chem products, his shit is really good nice and smooth. I hope you guys are all doing awesome, I am trying to get on more. I...
  18. B

    blueedge-im back

    Hey guys sorry for absence here last 2 weeks ive had a hectic time good and bad stuff going on With holidays ect...for those of u I have dealings with it will all be handled today and will provide tracking ect tonight. Also will updaye the challenge thread this evening when I get home. Again...
  19. TSizemore

    Family makes it all worth it......

    So, I get to my son and daughter in laws house in Virginia, and I get a call that my dad is in the ICU with kidney failure :( . Little pissed about it because I let my brother's wife talk me out of going down there to see him. Then, I'm loading up the truck ready to head home and I find out...
  20. C

    Sorry for being away

    Have been going through a lot lately. First work got crazy then went to train at a location and on the way back home got the call my father passed away. Still don't understand why as it happened out of no where but I know he is home with the father. He was an amazing man who met no stranger nor...