There’s no doubt that having a gym partner will keep you accountable as far as staying consistent with gym sessions is concerned, but when it comes to making actual gains, the process is still an individual one. To that end, Glass has noticed that far too many people rely on their spotter to...
Jeff Nippard is a huge advocate for results-backed, science-based bodybuilding, but still believes in mastering the basics for greater gains. Case in point is a recent social media post, where the Canadian coach lists the top 3 most common bench-pressing mistakes that he’s observed. And, while...
The squat is one of the most effective exercises as developing size and strength for the lower body. It’s also one of the most dangerous exercises that can be performed when it’s done incorrectly or if you don’t have a spotter. If you are coming out of the hole and get stuck without reliable...
Bodybuilding is a solitary pursuit. In fact, many bodybuilders chose to get into bodybuilding instead of other team sports because, win or lose, the outcome is solely dependent on the performance of the individual. That being said, it is known that when it comes to training, the...
An advanced method in which, with the help of a spotter, only the eccentric (negative) portion of each rep is performed—and at a very slow pace. Traditionally, strength athletes have performed negatives as stand- alone sets, but this technique can also be used at the end...