
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Get More From Your Sprint Workouts

    By Bret Contreras Today’s article is a guest-post from Lee Boyce (see his BIO below) on warming-up for sprinting. I hope you like it! The one thing I’ve noted when it comes to sprinting advice in fitness articles is that the advice is simple – go sprint. It often jumps straight to the workout...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Fat Blasting Finishers: Add These to the End of Your Workout

    Get one step closer to your ideal physique with these fat-blasters designed to be added onto your existing routine to help maximize fat-burning! Are you the type who wants to take your physique to the next level? Do you want to drain every last drop left in your tank to see what you’re really...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons Why You Should Sprint Your Way to Fat Loss

    Too many people adopt hours of steady-state cardio when going through a fat loss phase. Be different and use sprinting as a more efficient fat loss cardio! Fat loss is overwhelmingly the most sought after goal in the fitness game. This is evidenced by the vast number of training programs and...
  4. EG News

    These 3 Sprint Workouts Will Help Blast Fat and Build Athletic Power

    Sprinting isn’t just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, the same way jumping rope isn’t solely for Floyd Mayweather’s pre-fight warmup; Running all-out is for anyone looking to build overall conditioning. Sprinting can help boost lung power, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increasing...
  5. EG News

    Military Monday: Try This ‘Fire for Effect’ Bodyweight-Only Workout

    Two of the most played-out excuses for missing workouts are “I don’t have time” and “I don’t have a gym.” Nonsense. All you really need is yourself for an all-out bodyweight-only workout. The below routine, designed by an Army National Guardsman and certified strength coach, takes a mere 30...
  6. Durro

    Get Through Tough Times - Branch Warren

    View: https://youtu.be/_1wB0OVsEsk
  7. EG News

    An NBA and NFL Sprint Coach's Guide to Getting Faster

    areebarbar / M+F Magazine If there’s one thing Derek Hansen knows, it’s how to help athletes oppose gravity. No, he’s not showing them how to float in midair. But the top sprint coach has been helping elite competitors in the NFL, NBA, and NCAA oppose the natural force for three decades—all in...