This will be a two-part article. First, I will tell you about sprinting and why you should do it.
Then I will tell you why you should ditch your shoes! I have to note, find a grass field or run on sand for this - asphalt and concrete might be a bit harsh.
Part 1
Sprinting isn't just running...
By Bret Contreras
Today’s article is a guest-post from Lee Boyce (see his BIO below) on warming-up for sprinting. I hope you like it!
The one thing I’ve noted when it comes to sprinting advice in fitness articles is that the advice is simple – go sprint.
It often jumps straight to the workout...
Why sprint? To dominate your sport. Faster athletes are better athletes. Not an athlete? Sprints are still important. If you want to achieve blazing speed you'll have to make deliberate choices in the gym with your exercise selection. Here's what will make you faster.
Too many people adopt hours of steady-state cardio when going through a fat loss phase. Be different and use sprinting as a more efficient fat loss cardio!
Fat loss is overwhelmingly the most sought after goal in the fitness game.
This is evidenced by the vast number of training programs and...
Sprinting isn’t just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, the same way jumping rope isn’t solely for Floyd Mayweather’s pre-fight warmup; Running all-out is for anyone looking to build overall conditioning. Sprinting can help boost lung power, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increasing...