Steve Shaw
43 Squat Quotes - Shut Up and Squat!
1) "On the Internet, everyone squats. In real life, the squat rack is always empty. You figure out what this means." - Steve Shaw
2) "I've heard every excuse for not squatting to the proper depth and they're all bull, you just don't want everyone...
Here are 7 reasons why you should squat deep:
In 2002, Caterisano et al. investigated squat depth and EMG activity of the quads, hams, and glutes. While quad and ham activity didn't change, glute max activity increased with increasing depth.
I should...
Squats rule! I’m pretty sure I have mentioned that squats were my favorite exercise before, but oh well, let me do it again – Squats are my favorite exercise! Alright, now that’s out of the way, and seeing as how I’m weirdly excited about squatting right now, I figured it would be a good time...
Strength Training Sports
Strength training workout structures vary greatly depending on the specific goal.
Powerlifting. Powerlifters generally train 3 to 4 days per week, structuring workouts around the bench press, squat and deadlift. In many cases an upper/lower workout split is followed...
Maximize your leg size and strength, improve your lift form and work to stave off common injuries with these 20 barbell squat tips.
When I first began toying with the barbell squat way back in 1986 I knew nothing about the lift. Bodybuilding magazines featured pictures of Tom Platz squatting...
Want to increase your squat numbers & set new personal records? Check out these 5 technique tweaks that will set you up to exceed all your squatting goals!
Squatting is simple; you’ve been doing it since birth, right?
Sit down, stand up, rack the bar, upload the video to Instagram, receive...
Ass to grass or just below parallel? That is one of the most common questions in the gym when it comes to squatting. The depth on the ‘King of All Exercises’ is something that needs to keep being addressed, and you may be surprised to find out what our angle is.
The correct answer to that...
Referring to the “big lifts”—the squat, bench press, and deadlift—is a Catch-22 for anyone writing about them. Telling people, in article after article, that a solid program has to use these lifts as a foundation is somewhat played out at this point, yet the reality of the situation is that if...
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gilaxia / Getty
So you’re ready to get off the leg...
It takes correct technique, periodization, and selection of special exercises to conquer weaknesses in squatting. Combine these with a balance of strength and you’re ready. Westside Barbell has produced more than 70 lifters who’ve squatted more than 800 pounds, 19 with more than 1,000 pounds on...
It takes correct technique, periodization, and selection of special exercises to conquer weaknesses in squatting. Combine these with a balance of strength and you’re ready. Westside Barbell has produced more than 70 lifters who’ve squatted more than 800 pounds, 19 with more than 1,000 pounds on...
A few days ago I posted a question about supplementing my 14 year old's diet for maximum height growth.
As I said, he's really good at basketball and I want to maximize his height thru natural means.
I've decided, thanks to your input, to wait on the protein powder and creatine, but I'm still...
By: Louie Simmons
The Squat Workout
When I write about training, I am reporting the results of our top lifters. So far, 16 have squatted over 800, six have squatted over 850, and one has done 1010, Matt Dimel.
The system used is a mixture of the dynamic method and the maxi-mum effort method...