
  1. flyingfox

    The Anabolic Threshold....fact or fantasy?

    I was watching Jerry Ward on YouTube (Bios3 training) and he brought up this subject and it got me thinking. Steady test levels versus peaks and valleys. In my experience I found less frequent injections with higher amounts gave me better gains but some swear by keeping your test level even by...
  2. back4more

    cycle ideas?

    Alright I starting new blest cycle and wanted to run somethings by yall and see if I can get a little feed back on a few things. Im gonna be running test600, npp100, deca250, inj dbol100 and liq drol 25mg/ml (oral). Planned on doin: Test blend @ 600mg mon & fri Deca @ 250mg mon wed fri Npp @...