
  1. A

    Gear inventory

    I have so much gear I don't know if I'll ever use it all. At least 100 vials of test, a few dozen of tren, eq, deca, npp etc. Orals as well. How's your stash?
  2. GRIM

    Nov 2 bust

    Sheriff's detectives make big steroid bust in St. Lucie County
  3. W

    Need Advice immidiately

    So, fellas....long story short. Me and my now EX-Fiance were in the middle of break up. I come home to her drunk ass accusing me of cheating. She tries to kick me out the house which has my name on the lease as well so, I of course, do not comply. So she then starts fucking me up. I had to use...
  4. jshredz

    What would you do if your wife threw your gear in the trash??

    So a few weeks back the wife found my gear stash. She kept calling me while I was work demanding I explain myself. I honestly couldn't talk to her about the subject with so many people around so I knew it would be ugly when I got home that night. When I arrived home my gear was no where to be...
  5. E

    Australian fined for stash of Thai steroids and valium.

    Australian fined for stash of Thai steroids and valium. Source: Australian fined for stash of Thai steroids and valium.