
  1. 01dragonslayer

    What is a static hold?

    A static hold is a sort of isometric muscular contraction that involves holding a posture for an extended period of time without moving. This is when a muscle contracts but does not move. When we go to the gym, we are bombarded with various weightlifting routines that use a variety of...
  2. EG News

    5 Expert Coaches Share Their Truths About Stretching

    Stretching is one of those things coaches and hardcore lifters never sit on the fence about. It’s either a complete waste of time or it’s curing cancer. There is no in-between. Usually, both sides will argue till they are blue in the face if it doesn’t come to fist-a-cuffs first. When coaches...
  3. jshredz

    Happy Thanksgiving/Leg Workout

    Had 3 days off great workouts this week so far so I'm taking the day off for thanksgiving. That got browsing the web so I stumbled across this leg workout that I will try for the next few weeks. Figure why not post it here and share. QUAD AND HAMS: LEG EXTENSION: 1X15R,1X10R,1X8R, MAKE SURE...