
  1. 01dragonslayer

    HIIT vs. Steady-State Cardio: Which Is Really Best for Weight Loss?

    In recent years, the sentiment among gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts has been that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is better for weight loss than traditional low-to-moderate intensity, steady-state cardio. But is that really what the data shows? Well, yes and no. The HIIT vs...
  2. GRIM

    Bitcoin been recovering...

    Whats your thoughts steady increases, crash or? Steady slow increase/stable would be nice!
  3. EG News

    Is hiit as effective as longer cardio for fat loss?

    Westend61 / Getty Whether you love or hate cardio, any bodybuilder or coach will tell you that it’s a necessary aspect of any fat-loss plan. But what varies these days is often the athlete’s preferred method of cardio. Some swear that traditional longer, moderate-intensity sessions are best for...
  4. millenium girl


    Do you do HIIT or slow cardio?
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Answers to Your Fat Loss Dilemma

    Answers to Your Fat Loss Dilemma By jmboiardi Exercise alone does not burn body fat - proper nutrition does. A lean physique is 90% diet and 10% exercise. Here is where the errors lie: 1) Steady state cardio is the WORST for dropping stubborn body fat and actually can lead to muscle...
  6. tunaman7

    Pyramid vs Steady Eddie

    Brothers and Sisters...I wanna get some advice. I'm considering running my test E in the following cycle Week 1 = 500 week 2 = 625 Week 3 = 750 week 4 = 875 Week 5 = 1000 week 6 = 875 Week 7 = 625 Week 8 = 500 Total would be 6500mg. If I run the same amount on a steady dose it would be a...