
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Reconstituting human growth hormone (HGH) - Which Water To Use?

    Due to the rapidly lowering prices of HGH (which I believe is due to more players entering the market with high quality HGH), I have been doing a LOT of reading on which water to use to reconstitute HGH. Here are my findings, please chime in to correct or confirm my info - I would rather be told...
  2. GRIM

    90% more chance of being sterile

    Men Who Use Steroids Are 90% More Likely to Become Sterile, Doctor Warns
  3. GRIM

    Making bac water

  4. Tyson13

    Ba water

    Does anyone know what is the deal with BA Water right now? Almost everyone is out of stock and if you can find it, it is running around $30 for 30 ml. It use to be cheap. I am just curious if anyone knows what is going on?
  5. halfnatty

    my buddy has some GP test E but it expires next month

    He wanted to know if you could still take it he has two vials of it
  6. TSizemore

    Acetic Acid Recipe for Recon of Igf

    Can't take credit for this, as I've never tried this. But, the need for this recipe has presented itself, so here it is. Description: Recombinant Human Long-R3-IGF-I produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 83 amino acids and having a molecular mass of...