
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Digestion and Gut Health

    Digestion and Gut Health By Daniel Rocha Digestion begins in the mouth, where we physically break down foods with saliva and by chewing. Saliva is a watery fluid that contains mucus and a few enzymes, including lysozyme, salivary amylase, and lingual lipase. Food then travels to the stomach...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    5 Ways to Combat Heartburn Without Pharmaceuticals

    5 Ways to Combat Heartburn Without Pharmaceuticals Posted on: Tuesday, October 20th 2015 Written By: Dr. Jack Wolfson Did you know that pharmaceuticals used to treat heartburn actually increase gastrointestinal problems? Fortunately, there are natural ways to fight off acid reflux. Do you...
  3. mig139

    Winny and upset stomach

    I got some Winny on trade couple days ago (thanks brother Chango) extremely smooth transaction by the way! I got some delicious looking BD yellow 50s, I'm taking 25 before workout and 25 12 hours later! Ever since I started I have an upset stomach! Diarrhea, gas, pain(nothing...
  4. S


    How does your body respond to dairy products. I eat cheese and have milk sometimes but i think it makes my stomach do whacky things due to lack of lactose digestion?