
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Does Fasted Cardio Really Work?

    Jim Stoppani explains high intensity cardio and why fasted cardio doesn’t really work Cardio is the bane of many people’s existence. Some love, many hate it – but unfortunately it’s an extremely important part of staying healthy. In the bodybuilding world, cardio is even more reviled as it can...
  2. EG News

    M&f raw 2.0: consuming dextrose after a workout

    This snack definitely isn't part of your post-workout routine. What surprising food does Dr. Jim Stoppani recommend? What childhood junk food favorite does Dr. Jim Stoppani recommend after a workout? You'll be surprised (we definitely were). Discover why this sweet snack is great for refueling...
  3. EG News

    Which jim stoppani "shortcut" training program is right for you?

    Courtesy of Sponsored Content What's your pleasure? Want to pack on some muscle mass? Get ripped? Turn those biceps from objects of beauty to weapons of destruction? Fitness maestro Jim Stoppani, Ph.D., has refined three of his exercise programs to create a series of...