
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Lifting Straps Based on Your Workout Style

    How to Use Lifting Straps the Right Way Many beneficial gym accessories are available to help build muscle, burn fat, and improve mobility. For most avid weight lifters – from bodybuilders to Olympic lifters and everyone in between – the need for equipment that helps to reduce muscle fatigue...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    A Sure Fire Way To Increase Your Grip Strength Using Lifting Straps

    At first you'll love this tip, then you might hate this tip. Let me explain. Most of us want more grip strength. It becomes frustrating when a dumbbell starts to slip during rows, or we fail to hit a deadlift PR (personal record) because our grip gave out. And we're not supposed to use straps...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    7 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Forearms!

    If you're like most avid weight trainers, you've never given much thought to your forearms because you've been too busy focusing on big guns, thick pecs, cobra lats, or thunder thighs. That's cool. I get it. Just don't forget about your forearms. Thin, spindly forearms look weak and wimpy...
  4. BrotherIron

    Figure 8-Straps.?.?.?

    Has anyone tried them? How did you like or dislike them? I use Oly straps and for those who don't know, Oly straps are just a short piece of climbing nylon taped. They allow the user to get 1 revolution around the bar and as soon as you begin to open your hand, the bar drops. This the...
  5. BrotherIron

    2nd Smaller Workout Bag...

    Thinking of picking up a small bag to use when I'm training by myself. I can condense what I take with me to an extent so I don't carry around my big duffel (I have the king kong duffel). It's a great bag but it's huge and when I"m running from class to train before work I don't need to lug...
  6. GRIM

    Equipment can be so vital..

    Started bring my gym bag in again, made me realize I need to invest as I gave most of my shit away. Anyways yesterday did band added bench press, what a difference! Less weights but FRIED my triceps Today used hooks instead of leather straps for shrugs. My gimp hand makes even with straps...
  7. EG News

    Amanda lawrence just deadlifted 567 pounds sans straps

    Powerlifting powerhouse Amanda Lawrence constantly posts training updates and personal records on Instagram, but the phenom's most recent deadlift milestone had her pretty much jumping for joy. Lawrence, the International Powerlifting Federation world champ, deadlifted 257.5 kg (567 pounds)...
  8. GRIM

    So today it finally happens...

    My gimp hand has literally no grip strength but I been trying my best to use it. Doing 100 pound db rows top dbs my gym has, I've been doing these for some time even if my gimp side isn't strict form. Anyways going for rep 12 the damn db fell out of my gimp hand :D I felt it happening so was...
  9. tunaman7

    Home-made Blast Straps

    If you buy genuine Blast-Straps you could spend as $200...BUT WAIT! Introducing the "I spent all my extra money on my last cycle" poor man Blast Straps. Two 6 foot tie down straps...200 pound rating...I inch wide with slide adjuster. Two Heavy carbiner (locking hooks you see on the end of...
  10. mig139

    No glove no love!

    Im looking for some good lifting gloves, I just shrugged 405 for reps! :) I used all the tips you guys gave me on my other thread (Trapz to grow) but now I need better gloves! Whats are you guys using!?