
  1. MythotiK

    Miss this stuff!

    Was great clen, using my last one now.
  2. rboy101

    Couple questions .

    What’s up fellas. Got a few questions to see if any of y’all had some insight with dealing with acne randomly. And also a pct you’d recommend for what I’ve been doing . First things first, I’m 30 years old, and been cycling with test etc since I was about 17-18 years old. Not the wisest...
  3. S

    Ibuprofen Usage

    Just seeing if anyone uses ibuprofen on a daily basis. I have a cervical spine issue but hate using ibuprofen. Worry about my liver.
  4. Bighekt

    Knee pain

    It's been a few months now that I've been suffering from knee pain. Age isn't a factor I'm still pretty young at least I like to think. But I can't figure out what it is that's causing pain. It's stopping me from heavy squats and any joint movement with my knees. Any recommendations on...
  5. GoPro

    Injectable Var? Vendors help please.

    So..... Was needing Info on homebrewing Injectable Anavar. I have done a ton of searches on it and found extremely little on the recipes. I came across a couple recipes and one seems doable but wanted some input before I go wasting stuff. I have homebrewed a lot of stuff in the past including...
  6. GoPro

    HcG for Fertility.

    So have basically zero experience with HcG. I am wanting info on what dose to take for Fertility. I am currently on TRT dose of Test. Test Cyp 200mgs x 2 monthly. Also currently on 30mgs Sdrol a day also. I did do a search on HcG a d didnt find what I wanted exactly. Mostly stuff on PCTs...
  7. GRIM

    Love my sister BUT

    She keeps here and there bringing food over. Ive told her sooooo many times I don't eat that stuff What can I do throw it out? Today she brought candy bars and cookies made her take those back other stuff I took to be nice But even the 'decent' stuff not as good nutritionally as I try for...
  8. Dago

    Substance abuse

    Ok look man you guys have seen me post a lot of crazy shit about gangs and fighting and jail just a lot of bad stuff. I talked to a guy I've known all my life older im 43 he's 53 known him all my life I went asked could I come see him and talk and he said that was fine. He knows people I don't...
  9. GRIM

    Soldiering on

    Gyms closed Can't do normal stuff most cant Going INSANE but adapting.. Im using milk jugs at 15-20 minute spurts throughout the day to at least get a workout in. They are light but the fast paced volume actually kicking my ass!
  10. GRIM

    A few reasons not to use gmail!

    Especially for our kind of stuff. Emails not truly deleted. You can request months after deletion they be restored Very very unsecure Algorithms, ads, trackers etc galore in gmail. They track your devices, ips and far more. Servers in US and need to cooperate with le. Often our stuff gets...
  11. millenium girl

    Home gym

    As you might know I have decided to leave the gym (or should I say the kindergarten) and work out at home. I have cardio equipment (stepper arm bicycle, treadmill) a bench and dumbbells but I was wondering what you guys have? What do you think you actually need to have good workouts at home?
  12. halfnatty

    Kratom helps all pain and other stuff

    Has anyone ever use this or heard about it I’m watching the leaf of faith on Netflix, you guys should check this out, it’s by the guy who maid bigger faster stronger
  13. Titan88

    DMAA back in pre workouts?

    DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine) was banned back in 2013 as most people know. It was found in pre-workouts such as Jack3d and Oxy Elite Pro by USP Labs. Starting a few months ago, I've seen a some new products containing DMAA saying its back on the road and is available for a short time or possibly...
  14. S

    Neck Pain Sufferers Any Help

    So my neck has been killing me the last few weeks. Lots of muscular pain. Had an xray and definitely some area between c6 and c7 but don't really want to do an MRI. Im not going to have surgery as there are no neurological symptoms just pain and headache at times. I can still twist my neck...
  15. T-bar

    MT2 Results

    It's been about 2 weeks now since I first pinned MT2. Today, I am one tan MF'er. I'm amazed how well this stuff works. At this point I'm only pinning every other day. The nausea is gone after 15 min of pinning, and I of course pin right before going to sleep as suggested. The only issue I...
  16. krustus

    Modafinil from Kai update

    This stuff is pretty awesome.... like you've always got a good night's rest... helps get stuff done. No stimulant like effects. .. just not sleepy or tired.. not noticed any gym benefits. . But has to help burn calories as you will be getting stuff done at home and at work. Only negative is...
  17. M


    Hey. So I'm new to steroids, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience with EPO? I've done a bit of research, I know my hematocric must not go above 50, not to sure on dosing yet n not sure whether or not to run it with HGH or to come off the GH prior? I plan on starting a GH cycle over...
  18. T-bar

    The Crash, Part 2

    So I'm over a month into this cycle; Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk EQ 200mg 2/wk Dbol 25mg/ed Arimidex 0 Sleep 8-9 hrs a night Water 92 ounces a day I've seen only the smallest of strength gains and very little size gain. I'm more...
  19. Dago

    Idk how you guys feel about this

    I have a gym bag full of gear that I wouldn't have if not for being on this board I've hustled up trading stuff around to you guys. I don't have a lot of cash but I can donate some of this stuff if the rest of you guys have a jug or 2 of whatever to throw in with it we can auction it off or...
  20. S


    So I am thinking about running a short cycle of DNP. I know some will say this is too low but what does everyone think about just trying 125 mg daily for 10 days to see how it goes? The stuff freaks me out a little bit but I also realize so much of the negative aspects of many things are not...