
  1. 01dragonslayer

    When Hell Breaks Loose Foods to Put in Your Doomsday Stash

    When the coronavirus hit, they were one of the few countries that had plenty of personal protective equipment (PPE) to go around. Sure, a lot of it was old and was probably decorated with characters from the old Howdy Doody TV show and the Flintstones, but it worked just fine. So it makes...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Dietary Supplement Supply Chain Update: The crisis continues.

    Whey protein concentrate (WPC) seems to be leveling off at its all-time high, but it’s hard to tell because dairy factories aren’t giving commitments into 2022 yet. WPC reached a peak about 5 weeks ago, and seems to have stabilized at a ridiculously high price, although there is no sign yet of...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Dietary Supplement Industry Supply Chain Update

    It’s getting worse folks, not better. The global supply chain is still experiencing disruptions, delays, and shortages that are affecting every aspect of the DS industry. This update will be a bit more robust than previous because many more ingredients need to be watched. INTERNATIONAL...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine and Citrulline are getting out of control.

    There is a global shortage of creatine monohydrate, and supply of raw material to manufacturers is virtually nonexistent right now. Warehouses are bare, and even brands that have contracted in advance are having a difficult time getting their shipments on time. With supply so low and booming...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Major manufactures use force majeure to cancel orders.

    As the supply chain across this country is a disaster and continues to worsen every day. This is true not only for the dietary supplement industry but also for all industries. We’re now seeing the problem caused by this manifest in our daily lives with price increases in cars, trucks, food...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Dietary Supplement Supply Chain Update: Prepare for a bumpy road.

    The supply chain continues to worsen, not just in the dietary supplement industry but in all industries. New forklifts are 39 weeks out. The company contracted to fit out my new warehouse could not provide pallet racking and pulled out of the deal. I went to buy a bicycle for the summer, but...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Dietary Supplement Supply Chain Update: Ingredients prices on the rise as supply tightens.

    New maltodextrin contracts are no longer being accepted, supply is short and prices are increasing. Starches have become a major problem that will negatively affect flavoring systems across the entire supplement industry. I expect to see dextrose and fructose prices start to rise as supply...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Update on the Dietary Supplement Supply Chain: More Whey Protein Issues on the Horizon

    A crippling shortage of sunflower oil is causing the impending disruption. Russia and Ukraine collectively produce about 60% of the world’s sunflower supply, with Ukraine exporting half of the world’s sunflower oil supply. They produce nearly 31 million tons annually, compared to the next...
  9. GRIM

    Fish Antibiotics

    Where you shop? Im looking for some...
  10. flyingfox

    Anyone else have people bugging them for PEDs

    One of the younger guys in my company has been persistently asking me to "hook him up" and his buddies too. Rule # 1 for me, don't tell and don't sell. He wants me to get him Anavar and said him and his bros wanna get big. I just laugh and change the subject, bottom line is I don't need him or...
  11. E

    British man jailed for steroid supply.

    British man jailed for steroid supply. Source: British man jailed for steroid supply.