
  1. TSizemore


    .....What's with all the Damn "Man Buns" in the Gym lately? Put a damn hat on or something.....geez
  2. tunaman7

    Tren E / Super T Ratio

    Brothers and Sisters I have some Tren E on the way from Dr A (Aventia). I was considering 200 per week of Tren. I have heard keep the test high...others say test even...and yet there are some who say test low. So which is the right approach. Currently running 400mgs per week of Aventia...
  3. L

    Night sweats without taking Prami

    Current cycle: 600 test C and 800mg Tren E. Currently 6 weeks in I have done Tren before so i know what to expect, at the most i get is insomnia and night sweats. What's new for me is that i didn't have any caber on hand this time, so i picked up some Prami. I have been dosing it at .5mg at...
  4. back4more

    Best Tren for bulking??

    Do you prefer Tren A. or Tren E. for bulking?