
  1. EG News

    The Swole Press Can Lead to More Shoulder Gains, Less Shoulder Pain

    Now and again, when scrolling through your social media feed, you see an exercise that makes you stand up and take notice. The Swole Press is one of those exercises. How can you not with a movement called the Swole Press? This exercise is a hybrid clean and press performed with a dumbbell and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Swole, Jacked Or Yoked?

    Are you swole, jacked or yoked? Let's take a look at modern lifting lingo and see what it says about your physique. Words like meathead, yoked and swole are everyday words to us bros who lift weights. (Do you even lift?) But to the regular schmoe, or to the iron game newb, these words can make...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Swole, Jacked Or Yoked?

    Are you swole, jacked or yoked? Let's take a look at modern lifting lingo and see what it says about your physique. Words like meathead, yoked and swole are everyday words to us bros who lift weights. (Do you even lift?) But to the regular schmoe, or to the iron game newb, these words can make...
  4. Tyson13

    3 IUS of HGH Making Me Swole Up - Need Advice

    EG!!!! - I could really use advice. I have been running the following for a bit: 200 mgs Test C / 200 Mast / 300 Primo (Spilt up Monday / Thursday. I have also been running 50 MCGS of T3 and 200 MCGs of T4. Labs have been in check. My doctors know what's up and put me on medication for blood...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Swole, Jacked Or Yoked?

    Are you swole, jacked or yoked? Let's take a look at modern lifting lingo and see what it says about your physique. Words like meathead, yoked and swole are everyday words to us bros who lift weights. (Do you even lift?) But to the regular schmoe, or to the iron game newb, these words can make...
  6. TSizemore

    TSize legs

    Here ya go, Odin.......Just for you [attachment deleted by admin]