
  1. Jhitman9

    Where do you get your syringes?

    Just curious what site you guys get your supplies (insulin syringes, regular syringes, bac water, ect.. Post your plug
  2. puff88

    Pre-loading syringes

    How many of you do or have pre loaded your syringes for say 1-2 weeks worth of shots? My living situation is going to be changing soon and privacy is going to be a bit limited. Thinking it may be easier to pre load 1-2 weeks at a time during summer months when im injecting EOD, less time speant...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Injection Methods

    Injection Methods Intramuscular injection: An injection into muscle tissue. Subcutaneous injection: An injection into the region between the skin and the muscle, also known as a “SubQ” injection. AS far as performance enhancement is concerned, there are two primary injection methods. These are...
  4. S


    Anyone know where to find this brand of pin?
  5. Tyson13

    Pre-draw syringes

    I am starting 9 months of 4 IU's daily of HGH. I was wondering if there would be any reason not to pre-draw 10 syringes at a time? I am keeping everything refrigerated at 3 C. Thanks in advance for all of the feedback.
  6. T

    What do you do with used pins?

    Looking for ideas on how to discard of my used pins. I live with my girlfriend and she doesn't know I use gear. I recently had someone break into my car and steal one of my bags, that had my slin pins in it, that I was going to move to a safe location (I know, bad timing). But I guess they...
  7. Troy

    Where can I get pins

    Im in need of everything new pins 20 23 25s and syringes. I used to get my stuff from pricisionpinz and I had a lot put away but expiration date is nearing and I need fresh ones for the upcoming cycle.
  8. RockShawn


    Does anyone have a good place they buy BD syringes an needles? Yes I'm a BD snob. old source went restricted on BD for some reason.
  9. TSizemore

    State Laws Concerning Insulin and/or Syringes

    Since I've seen the question a couple of times or something similar to it, I've decided to post this again. State Insulin Syringes Notes see note 1 Alabama No No Alaska Yes Yes Some pharmacies may sell either without an RX...