
  1. EG News

    Drilldown on Strategies for Training Energy Systems

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness In this 3-part series, we have reviewed: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2: Getting Technical: Tying Fitness Goals to Conditioning Approaches & Metrics Here in Part 3, we discuss strategies for training using various energy...
  2. EG News

    “Conditioning” Your Body: What You Need to Know – The Essentials

    Conditioning is the process of introducing, accustoming, training, and tolerating new physical characteristics or states; broadly speaking, conditioning is making those seeking to be more fit, BETTER! In this 3-part series, we review: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    4 Surprising Ways Posture Affects Health

    Bad Posture Can Make You Sick Poor energy, poor endurance, bad digestion, acid reflux, TMJ problems, and even low self-esteem could all be caused by the way you stand or sit. Forward head posture can add significant stress to your muscles and joints. You know that. But the benefits of improving...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Nutsack-Rated Nutrition

    Most newspaper movie reviewers and restaurant critics use the "star" system to evaluate the merits of whatever film or eatery they're critiquing. This system is so widely used that practically any member of Western society automatically knows that a "4-star" restaurant is serving up some pretty...
  5. EG News

    Here’s How Your Nervous System Plays a Major Role In Sports Performance

    Imagine your body as a Ferrari, with your nervous system as the intricate electrical system controlling every move, every breath, and every heartbeat. Just like the Ferrari depends on the efficiency of its wiring, your physical potential is directly linked to how well your nervous system...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Is Blood Flow Restriction Training Worth The Hype? Absolutely!

    WHAT IS BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION TRAINING (BFR TRAINING)? All athletes (and pretty much everyone else) are always looking for the next best thing, the thing that allows them to get to that next level and take their performances to new heights. One of the more prolific topics of the last year in...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  9. 01dragonslayer


    You're sitting in the audience at a strength and conditioning conference, there to learn a thing or two about building bigger, stronger muscles, and the speaker calls you up to the podium. The speaker has set up a barbell onstage with a stack of plates next to it. He tells you that you're going...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    A Lesser-Known Health Benefit Of Whey Protein: Immune Support

    by Lauren Del Turco, CPT These days, there’s lots of talk about how we can naturally support our immune systems. And while the conversation usually centers around major players like vitamin C and vitamin D, your sports stack might actually offer some overlooked immune-health powerhouses. Turns...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Liberate Yourself From Classical Weight Training

    Charles Staley, Bodybuilding, Strength Training, 4 During my recent talks in Bellaria Italy, a theme developed which reflects what I consider to be a problem in the way that most people think about resistance training. In particular, during one roundtable discussion on EDT training, I fielded...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Glutamine Supplements: Benefits, Dosages, Side Effects & FAQs

    An Overview Of Glutamine: In the bodybuilding world, glutamine is known as one of the best supplements on the market. Glutamine is a "non essential" amino acid. Non essential does not mean that it is not essential, it means the human body produces it naturally. Sixty percent of our glutamine is...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Androgens, Estrogens, and The Immune Response

    Here is the answer people by Nandi12. Androgens, Estrogens, and The Immune Response I posted this reply recently on another board to the question "Do androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system" It's really not quite correct to say androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system. It is...
  14. EG News

    10 Superfoods to Eat During Cold and Flu Season

    The gym is a breeding ground for germs, especially during cold and flu season. Everyone is sneezing, blowing their nose, and then touching gym equipment. Where’s the gym etiquette of wiping your hands clean, not just the equipment? Not to mention there’s now the coronavirus to worry about—your...
  15. halfnatty

    What do you take to keep your immune system strong

    I got the flu and felt like I was on my death bed lol
  16. BrotherIron

    Why do?.?.?...

    This is something I'm even guilty of... Why does everyone run Test Cyp or Test Enanth for their TRT (self-prescribed or even from a clinic)??? I know with a shorter ester you have greater control of the AAS in your body and you can try to limit peaks and valleys but I remember back in the day...
  17. J

    Experts: jon jones and oral turinabol? please explain.

    Has anyone been following this story? No one seems to know enough about this drug to pinpoint what's going on. He keeps testing positive for trace amounts of oral turinabol, but he's not testing positive for the parent drug. Curious to get the opinions from some of the experts on here...
  18. GRIM

    Immune system

    Looking for ways to boost immune system
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever Monday, September 29, 2014 by: Michael Edwards (NaturalNews) You don't have to catch the next flu. With the right combination of supplements, in most cases, you can knock out, or radically lesson the severity of an infection. If an...
  20. GRIM


    Whats your view? Mine Im against ILLEGAL immigration and illegals HOWEVER the system is broken, mass deportation will cost HUGE tax money and ruin our economy. This needs to be done right, allow those illegally here and CONTRIBUTE a way to EARN their ability to stay AND strict rules Start...