
  1. F.I.S.T.

    One Unit Of Anabolic Steroids = Jail: Learn Why!

    One Unit Of Anabolic Steroids = Jail: Learn Why! by Rick Collins Lawyers representing aesthetic steroid users and strength athletes should be fully educated and prepared. Find out how they are changing the laws to come down on steroid users! THE FEDERAL "STEROID DISCOUNT" Cocaine, heroin...
  2. B

    test cyp 200mg buccal transmucosal tablets rx

    Ok guys I ran into an old friend while in pcb for concert tonight...he has a script for test cyp pills ..yes u read that right heres info on them.Intrabuccal Administration (Adhesive Gum) - Press the extended-release buccal (transmucosal) tablet against the gum above the upper left or right...