
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Small Tips on BP

    TL;DR Version Blood Pressure (BP) is a complex vital sign, and cannot be easily taught and all encompassed within even several pages of text. You could take an entire semester long course in college learning the physiology of blood pressure and still not know everything about it. The point of...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Ultimate Workout to Develop a Dramatic V Taper

    This article outlines everything you need to know to help you build a coveted V-tapered physique. Check out all of the tips & tricks you need to know! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Beginner Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per Workout45-60...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    4 Day Muscle Building Workout: PPL Split w/ V Taper Intensifier

    Build lean muscle mass with this 4 day weekly workout routine. The workout is a unique split that combines a push, pull, legs workout with a V-taper day. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration8 weeks Days Per Week 4 Time Per...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Ultimate Workout to Develop a Dramatic V Taper

    This article outlines everything you need to know to help you build a coveted V-tapered physique. Check out all of the tips & tricks you need to know! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Beginner Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per Workout45-60...
  5. Thor

    Might Help Someone?

    This was actually meant for another thread but I didn't want to seem like I was stepping on anyone. Receptors need to be cleaned periodically so the body will use what you are putting in it and you won't get that feeling that test doesn't seem to do much anymore. I used to taper completely off...
  6. Z82

    Coming off completely with NO PCT????

    Been blasting and cruising for a little over a year now. Blood work was good for the first half then went bad and then got it under control again and now just got results back and its all over the place again. One major concern is my hdl has never gotten better but only worse and also my...