
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The 4 Most Damaging Types of Training

    Bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, running: Which one will mess you up the most and how can you prevent it? Which type of training causes the most physical damage? It's one of the most passionately battled debates in sports medicine. With the recent popularization of CrossFit, the fiery...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Why Breathwork Training Matters for Your Workouts

    Very few things in life can top the feeling of a deep, slow, relaxing breath. A good, deep breath tells your brain to calm down. There are times when calm isn't what you want, however. Sometimes you want that extra punch to get you into high gear, like during your workout. That's when proper...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Max Muscle Growth Techniques for Upper Body (Plus 3 Sample Workouts)

    Many years ago I invented a little quote that expresses my basic philosophy when it comes to how one should approach their training if he/she truly desires to make significant progress: “If you want your muscles to grow, you cannot simply ‘whisper’ at that them – rather, you must SCREAM!” In...
  4. EG News

    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Arms Training Philosophy

    Over the past five decades, the question has been asked: “How can I get my arms to look like Arnold’s?” In short, you can’t. Just as you were born with your own unique set of genetic attributes, so was Arnold, and among his was the DNA for a stunning set of pipes. That said, all hope isn’t...
  5. EG News

    Ronnie Coleman’s 6 Rules for Getting Shredded

    You can’t have striations without a proper diet, but don’t think for a moment that training is less important. Both are needed to make sure that your muscles are not obscured by layers of fat and that individual muscles are sufficiently developed to stand out in distinct relief from one another...
  6. E

    Psychological techniques help reduce body dissatisfaction in women with bulimia nervosa

    Psychological techniques help reduce body dissatisfaction in women with bulimia nervosa Researchers from the University of Granada have proven that there are two psychological techniques that help reducing body dissatisfaction and its associated symptoms in women with bulimia nervosa, both of...
  7. Hanzo

    Injection techniques from B-D.

    .... safe injection techniques from B-D.