test flu

  1. Tyson13

    Test prop pain and flu

    I just Started 150 mgs EOD of Test Prop. I am on my 3rd shot and not feeling well. It sounds like I got the test flu. I'm planning on a 12 week cycle so I would like some thoughts. Like I said I have all the symptoms of test flu and the shots hurt like hell. I've been using a 1" 23 gauge...
  2. C

    Test Flu: Fact or Fiction?

    I get rotten cold within the first 8-12 days of dosing a lot of test. started a run about a week ago and I'm sick as adog now. chest congested, coughing up green junk, runny nose, achy and tired. I expected it, but that ddoesn't make it any easier to deal with. I'll be on the mend in a few days...