
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Muscular exercise can cause highly pathological liver function tests

    Comparative Study Br J Clin Pharmacol . 2008 Feb;65(2):253-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.03001.x. Epub 2007 Aug 31. Muscular exercise can cause highly pathological liver function tests in healthy men Jonas Pettersson 1 , Ulf Hindorf, Paula Persson, Thomas Bengtsson, Ulf Malmqvist, Viktoria...
  2. J

    Test and Erectile Dysfunction

    One of my friends is running test. That I gave him from this forum and he is having a hard time getting and staying hard while having sex. What is going on with him. What should I tell him to do.
  3. Thor


    I think it is time for all of us to come together since we all use gear here and help Eman and admin with these lab tests. Personally I think anyone should be able to pitch in $30 to $50 to help with the testing of gear and maybe we can send gear to a second lab to make sure everything was on...
  4. EG News

    How do athletes pass drug tests?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/Urine-Test-Container.jpg?itok=iitH2KO0&timestamp=1560953362 JodiJacobson / Getty We all know about the athletes that get...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Private md labs-body builder testing

    Body Builder Testing Before starting any Hormone Replacement Therapy regimen a baseline of certain laboratory tests are recommended. It is also important to have regular lab testing to ensure the prescribed therapy is working as intended. Hormone Therapy programs vary by prescriber as well as...
  6. I

    Lab work

    Ok so I was doing a little research online, I found a website called http://www.walkinlab.com This site allows you to pic what blood work you want done the estrogen test was 50$ and the testosterone test was 100$ I contacted live support chat to understand this website a little more , the...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Major study from Uefa suggests 1-in-12 top football players could use steroids

    Major study from Uefa suggests 1-in-12 top football players could use steroids By Mark Piggott September 20, 2015 11:40 BST Abel Xavier football player 2007 In 2005, while playing for Middlesbrough, Abel Xavier was suspended from football for 18 months after testing positive for using the...
  8. RockShawn

    WTF happened to Rock

    Guys, I'm very sorry I have been so absent on the site. Things have been very hectic for me lately and It has been hard to get on the site. This is my Busiest time of year work-wise and My head is constantly spinning with all that is going on there. My son's baseball team, which I manage, is...
  9. Bigdog6693

    Paxton's Primo

    Is this legit primo? I'm just wandering cause that's super cheap, some labs mix it with mast p and npp and people can't notice a difference, wat do yall think?
  10. F.I.S.T.

    David Ortiz denies steroid use in tell-all feature

    David Ortiz denies steroid use in tell-all feature By Ashley Varela Mar 27, 2015 Friday morning's baseball includes David Ortiz's latest anti-PED diatribe, the rise of the Mets, and John Buck's exit from Major League Baseball. Subscribe for your daily Say Hey! Listen, we know it's tough to...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Hector Lombard tests positive for THG

    Hector Lombard tests positive for THG Hector Lombard tested positive for Madol, which is the same drug Barry Bonds was on. It was supplied by none other than Victor Conte, but I guess it's become "mainstream" now. Read more about what happened...
  12. E

    British weightlifter banned after he tests positive for four different steroids.

    British weightlifter banned after he tests positive for four different steroids. Source: British weightlifter banned after he tests positive for four different steroids.