
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Why The Texas Method May Be The Best Intermediate Program

    The Texas Method: History and Background As far as I can tell, Olympic Weightlifting Coach Glenn Pendlay was the first person to popularize the Texas Method on the internet. As the legend has it, Glenn, working out of Mark Rippetoe’s Wichita Falls Athletic Club, had his Olympic lifters squatting...
  2. EG News

    Transgender Athlete Mack Beggs Talks Activism, Struggles and Triumphs

    ESPN documents his journey in the new short, "Mack Wrestles" Mack Beggs is a two-time Texas state high school wrestling champion — but, he said, that distinction comes with an asterisk. Beggs won both championships in the female division, despite the fact he identifies as a male. That’s because...
  3. GRIM

    Transgender athletes and gear

    Transgender student athletes could be disqualified for steroid use under bill backed by Texas Senate  | Texas Legislature | Dallas News I have zero issue with gear, zero issue with transgender as dont fuck with me i wont fuck with you however transgender do take it to far when they are...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Texas: Med Board lets DEA sneak peeks at patient records

    Texas: Med Board lets DEA sneak peeks at patient records Posted on September 7, 2015 by Joe from MassPrivateI The Drug Enforcement Administration has been sifting through hundreds of supposedly private medical files, looking for Texas doctors and patients to prosecute without the use of...
  5. RockShawn

    Boys Of Fall

    Heard a local version of this song this morning on the way to work where they interjected sound bites from local games and just had tears welling up so bad. I've been coaching my son in Flag (he's 5) but game day still gets me. This song just brings back all the dedication and hard work I put...
  6. RockShawn

    Texas gun owners identified.

    It's hard to believe, but Texas has followed that idiot newspaper up in New York and released a map of the location of "ALL" Texas gun owners. Their locations are marked by small Red Dots on the map below. [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. RS50

    Prep Rally Texas senior sets new bench press record with astonishing 700lb lift

    Prep Rally Texas senior sets new bench press record with astonishing 700lb lift http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/texas-senior-sets-bench-press-record-astonishing-700-101340413.html
  8. RockShawn

    Breaking news on the Firearms Protection Act of Texas, from Rep. Steve Toth

    Thank God I'm in Texas, and BTW I love this guy... http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=8F5E8DD628B49A429792C6BDFA9950A5