
  1. J

    Cycle Opinion

    A buddy of mine is running a combo I’ve never tried. Wanted some opinions. He has used a decent amount of gear over the years and his diet is really good and trains hard. Even does cardio regularly ha. He doing Test, Deca and Mast E. It’s a 15, possible 20 week cycle. All the extras on hand...
  2. J

    Hcg ratio

    Can anyone tell me the bac ratio to hcg and then how do I measure it when using a insulin syringe. I got 5000 ius worth. Thank u
  3. GoPro

    New cycle.

    So..... Been in the game since 2013. I did some comps and placed 4th over all the first one and lost some weight and placed 3red in mens physic. I really wanna get back into the same shape. So obviously I'm gonna be doing a couple cycles and dieting. So your alls input is very wanted. I was...
  4. Thor

    Got To Love Those Protein Shakes

  5. TSizemore

    Busier then a gopher in a rock quarry

    Since my wife and I took over a fitness Studio starting January 1!!! Now, I spend all my time at my regular job, then come home and go back to work working the Studio and teaching classes. I Spend the weekends doing training classes, Workshops (usually Nutrition and Basic Principles) and writing...
  6. halfnatty

    Umm my testosterone levels came back help

    is 208.00 mgs/dL low I’m 29 and have not did a test cycle in 4 years I have not started the cycle I have now yet ether
  7. GRIM

    Happens far to often!

  8. rboy101

    Keto cut diet

    what up fellas. I’ve been on the keto diet the last 8 weeks for a cut and I’m down 26 pounds. I’m still at about 22 percent bf but was maybe considering moving to a ckd diet. Really missing my carb fueled muscle pumps and would like to throw an oral in the mix of my test only cycle right now but...
  9. Troy

    Anyone else hate these vial covers?

    I really hate the one on the left, I can't wipe the top without the alcohol pad getting stuck and ripping on the sharp aluminum.